Love Is Unpredictable

“These days, I’ve been trying to classify my thoughts into two categories: “Things I can change,” and “Things I can’t.” It seems to help me sort through what to really stress about. But there I go again, over-planning and over-organizing my over-thinking! I write songs about my adventures and misadventures, most of which concern love. Love is a tricky business. But if it wasn’t, I wouldn’t be so enthralled with it. Lately I’ve come to a wonderful realization that makes me even more fascinated by it: I have no idea what I’m doing when it comes to love. No one does! There’s no pattern to it, except that it happens to all of us, of course. I can’t plan for it. I can’t predict how it’ll end up. Because love is unpredictable and it’s frustrating and it’s tragic and it’s beautiful. And even though there’s no way to feel like I’m an expert at it, it’s worth writing songs about — more than anything else I’ve ever experienced in my life”-Taylor Swift 

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My Kind of Love


Well, that’s sweet. I miss being romantic *sigh.  Kidding aside, I was, I am and I will forever be in love with love. Though there are things I find so cheesy and a bit over my liking, still, I am a proud romantic. It’s the simplest form of love yet it brings so much joy to the people involve and the people around them. It’s like a love that does not require to be loved back in return. It’s expressive you not need to tell what you feel. You just have to look straight in the eyes and hold hands, and there’s this fleeting feeling inside your tummy along with the army of butterflies flying around.

Everybody is in search for that kind of love today. The one that sweeps you off your feet. The one that does not envy. The one that understands. The one that sees all your flaws. The one that accepts you.  The one that listens. The one that inspires you. The one that makes you a better person. The one that wipes you tears. The one that laugh with you. The one that keeps you awake at night. The one that you can talk to. The one that’s honest. The one that’s simple. The one that’s kind. The one that’s head-over-heels in love with you. The one who put God first. The one that makes you a priority. NOT THE ONE WHO GOT AWAY.

***GIF image credits goes to the rightful owner who posted it at Tumblr.

Taylor Swift and what she thinks about competition

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“It’s the most terrible thing thinking about the idea that most girls’ natural instinct is to look at others as their main competition. This has somehow been ingrained in us since we were little girls – ‘She’s more competition for you than he is over there,’ when really, when you go out into the real world and you’re trying to accomplish things, men and women are your competitors,
But when girls are thinking too much about getting boys to like them or getting a boyfriend, I think that is when this natural competitiveness instinct kicks in and they start to look at other girls as their competition. It’s so unhealthy. I think having grown up, lived through it, having experienced it and having felt that way about other girls at certain points of my life, I now look around and I just love girls. I respect girls and admire girls far more than any of the men around me. You have to stick together and, whether you label yourself as a feminist or not, it’s important that we address equal rights.” -Taylor Swift

Love me or hate me

I started this blog for reasons. One of them is to have an outlet for my inner thoughts and random rants. Well, I was pretty much broken and wasted by the time I published my very first post. At first, I post personal stuff but some comments made me realized that someone out there can relate to what I feel every time I publish something. I have to admit it, it’ felt nice knowing that I have some followers who share the same fate.

What you’ll PROBABLY hate about me;

1. I SPEAK THE TRUTH. I relate it to me being goody frank about almost everything but my friends would often relate it to me being the harsh and the mean girl. Sorry, but though I grew up in an environment well provided with sweets, I do not sugarcoat things. If you ask me for an advise of having a cheating boyfriend, don’t expect me to baby you and tell you it’ll pass or tomorrow’s gonna be another day for your relationship with him. I’ll tell you straight in your face to leave the douche bag and start moving on because girl, clearly, he doesn’t love you enough that’s why he cheated and I hope you get that. I listen to my friend’s rants and problems but I do not tolerate martyrdom or idiocy over something so simple by complicating it more. I am usually not the friend to-go-to when you’re heartbroken, financially challenged or on the verge of committing suicide because I might consider convincing you to do the act right away by providing you the right instruments that will immediately cut your pulse and stop your heartbeat.

2. I STRICTLY OBSERVE TIME. There was never a time in my life where I was late be it at school, meet ups or work. Not even a single time that I remember. Maybe I got this trait from my Mom, who’s a teacher by the way, to give importance to the time and every wasted time equates to all opportunities you have missed in your life. I get annoyed easily when a friend or anyone I was about to meet is late for about 1 minute much more to some soulless individual who’s an hour late for a meeting. My brows arched every time I have this late friend or office colleague who is always late. I have this tendency to walk out during meet ups even if you’re my brat friend or my sister and a friend. Hahaha! So, if you’re someone not of highly importance and we’ve decided to meet up and I’m not yet at our meeting place at the right time, I gone home already because you are LATE!!! You know they say, patience is a virtue, but hey, TIME IS GOLD. Thank you for this training Mom, I love you.

3. I AM SENTIMENTAL & AN OLD SOUL. I like classic beauty. I am still keeping all the old things I own like my old mobile phones, old lanyards, old shirts, even some of my old bags and shoes, old gadgets as long as they still serve their purpose. My drawers looked like a warehouse because of those. I am having the difficulty of letting go of those items I once love. I tend to keep things given to me and I remember those people who gave them to me. I appreciate everything even to the single Kisses chocolate. When it comes to fashion, I seldom go with the trend because first, I am not into it and second, I don’t think I have a bit of being a fashionista in me. I wear what I am comfortable with. It’s comfort over fashion for me. I also believe that classic beauty is timeless like Audrey Hepburn. Old things kept me reminded how simple things were before and how simplicity stands beautiful.

4. I AM ONE HELL OF A FEISTY LADY. Well, I want to give a heads up to everyone that there’s a difference between a feisty lady and a trashy feisty lady. I am not afraid to argue if I know I am right and sometimes even when I am wrong (just to annoy you) if you’re not getting to the point. I blame Mom for this. I am the youngest of the 6 children and because of my big age gap with my siblings I was the one who suffered my Mom’s aggressive and even manipulative side while I was in my younger years but I’m okay now and I am over that phase now. I stand by the fact that you can’t play nice when you’re being rubbed to dirt by someone, right? It’s something I carry everywhere I go and keep it at the bottom of my being both unless I want to unleash it. I always carry a good heart with me, but don’t you just dare. I’d rather confront everyone with hurt than keep them hidden in everyone’s closet.

5. I BURN BRIDGES. They say friends are important and you are not suppose to burn the bridge that connects you but I say I have a whole lot of gasoline to buy and just a click of lighter borrowed from a smoker friend that will send you to the deepest corner of hell! Once a friend falls on the trap of betrayal that’s the time I let them see me burn the bridge that connects us. I am a busy person and I don’t have much time segregating good friends from rotten ones plus my heart doesn’t have a cell for traitors. I know declaring friendship to be over is a big move to make because it’ll ruin lives and relationship but would you rather keep a traitor friend than to have a space for another that’ll soon be your trusted friend. I have trust issues. The reason why I have very few good friends, I have less than 10. There are those I am with almost everyday, those that I often talk online and one that I was not able to see for 8 years now! The value of friendship is in the heart. No distance or time can hinder it. Only real friends can relate to this. If you’re my friend, you’re my friend until the end. If you dare to betray me or even attempted to, I will forever remember it and not a single time in your life will I let you forget about it.

What I shared was something personal. I hope we should all learn to be true to ourselves and value our self-worth. Get to know yourself first before you start getting to know anyone else’s. Offer yourself all the love you can give. It’s your choice and responsibility to make yourself happy.

Single but Happy




”I am single. To be honest being single is one of the best things about my life right now. And whatever people think I actually love it.”Life is so much more fun and it’s great not to have to worry about calling someone every night, just doing what you want to do and ‘m not too worried about whether I meet someone, I’m going to be happy either way.” -T.S.

Happy & @ Peace


“Time does heal, you know, I’m not crying about it anymore. I can’t be angry anymore. I can’t have my happiness rest on these people being caught, because they might not be. I need to just find my own peace.”   Jennifer Lawrence||Vanity Fair

Yeah right. You can’t be forever angry with everything and everyone just because you thought you were betrayed by your broken heart. Truly, happiness is a choice. You don’t get it if you don’t choose to be it. You just need to take those little steps away from all the things that causes you pain and find your inner peace. In order to do this, you have to forgive yourself. You have to know that you’re only human and you’re prone to making mistakes. You are not perfect.

Things won’t be easy but you must always believe in the saying that “it’ll be okay eventually”. One thing I learned, don’t depend your happiness or your peace of mind in boys or material things. Your family, friends, hobby are enough to get yourself out of thinking sad and painful things or even memories. You just have to find that inner courage to take the big leap in your life.

Go girl! Find that courage!